Friday, June 21, 2013

When and how much???

The big day is coming quickly.  Jen and Mile have been organizing their nest preparing for Biscuit's arrival.  It's time for you to register your guess! 

When will Biscuit make his debute and how big will he be?  The doctors are predicting July 14th.  Please leave your prediction for the date, time, weight and length in the comments.  We'll use the time as a tie breaker if more than one person picks the winning day.  The length will be the tie breaker for the weight results.

Please register your guess by the end of June just in case Biscuit decides to make an early appearance.



  1. Anonymous25.6.13

    July 7, 8 pound 6 ounces, 21.5 inches long (although maybe I should go with Isaiah's birthday -July 1- instead of mine for Jen's sake!! :))

    1. Anonymous26.6.13

      Oopsy, forgot the time. Ummm my parents think I arrived @ 2:07am that day so it'll go with that!

  2. Sorry Jen I'm going to say July 16th at 1:30 pm and 8 pounds 15 oz 22 inches.

  3. Anonymous27.6.13

    Hello Biscuit and family my guess would be July 18 there is reason I pick that day, because it's my birthday so come on Biscuit! for the weight hmmmmm will go with 7.25 and lengh 21. This is fun to guess. Hope I'm close. :)


  4. Totally random: July 15th 7:00PM 21 inches, 7 pounds 9oz

  5. Anonymous1.7.13

    July 12th 8:30 pm 8 lbs 2 oz 21 inches

    Janice Schroer

  6. Anonymous2.7.13

    July 16, 7.26 lbs, 21.5 inches, 5:15AM.

    Milan Makelarski
